Mataw-Guro Dale Yeager
Sifu Dale Yeager has been studying martial arts for more than 30 years.
In 1994 he began his study of Kali under Master at Arms James Keating. In 1995 he became a student of Master Keith Mazza in Traditional Wing Chun kung fu and remains a student of Master Mazza to this day.
In 2011 Sifu Yeager was granted the title of Mataw–Guro [Master Teacher] by the MATAW-GURO ASSOCIATION. Also in 2011 he was inducted into the UNITED FELLOWSHIP OF MARTIAL ARTISTS Hall of Fame and in 2013 Sifu Yeager was awarded Instructor of the Year.
Sifu Dale was also made the Director for Pennsylvania – Mataw-Guro Association in 2013.
Sifu Yeager has also trained in Jun Fan Gung Fu under Dr. Zee Lo and Aiki-jujutsu under Master Robert Trotta.
Sifu Yeager is also a Forensic Profiler and Criminal Behavior Analyst and CEO of SERAPH.
Mr. Yeager began his education as a Forensic Profiler and Criminal Behavior Analyst in 1988.
Mr. Yeager also had advanced training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center from 2005 to 2008.
Since 1995 Mr. Yeager has trained over 100,000 local, state and federal law enforcement officers.
Mr. Yeager is also a Federal Law Enforcement instructor and SME for the HIDTA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas and MAGLOCLEN Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network programs.
[Provisional Master Level 1 Traditional Wing Chun]
B.A. History Rowan University
Teaching degree from Rutgers University
Certified personal trainer, ACE (American Council on Exercise) May 2012.
Personal training certification of achievement Camden County College.
In 1991, I started my martial arts career at age 14 under Sifu Ron Wilson and Sifu Phu Ngo. Under their teachings I had learned a hybrid of Shaolin Kung Fu using techniques from 5 Animals, Wing Chun, and Chin Na. I also began studying Chi Kung.
In 1995 I met Sifu Keith Mazza and began to train exclusively with him to learn Traditional Wing Chun, which I believed to be the best lineage of all Wing Chun systems. From my previous training, the Wing Chun I had learned was a mixture of traditional and modified, but I knew that under Sifu Mazza I would learn the system the proper way.
In late 2002 I had received my Sifu certification, tested by Grandmaster William Cheung himself.
And in late 2003, I again tested under Grandmaster to receive my Provisional Master level 1 ranking.
Since those years, I have continued to train with Master Mazza. During my many years of training, I have learned many things from Sifu Mazza, besides Wing Chun, such as Shaolin conditioning exercises and Chi Kung [Qigong].
I have also learned a lot from my interactions with wrestlers, grapplers, boxers, Muay Thai fighters, karate practitioners, etc., which I believe has helped provide me with a realistic understanding of the application of Wing Chun, and martial arts in general. Although I’m not too fond of training for tournaments, I have entered a several over the years, and have found success winning in forms, point sparring, chi sao, and full contact fighting.